There are many things you can do with Chia Seeds. The first is to simply make a chia gel which you can add to smoothies, juice... really anything because it's flavorless. It keeps for up to two weeks and is made by combining chia seeds and water at a 1 to 9 ratio. You mix them together, let it sit for a minute, mix again and then let it sit for twenty minutes.
If you add the seeds straight to juice it will absorb the juice and become like miniature bubble tea - don't chew it, crunchy juice is gross, but you can do as I do and swish it back and forth in my mouth until people around me get nauseous.
For a meal:
1/3 cup of chia
2/3 cup water
stir, sit minute, stir, sit twenty minutes
Add one finely grated clove of garlic and about 3/4 inch of ginger and pour in two tablespoons of soy sauce (I use WAY more).
It's really really good. I recently learned that a serving size is actually like two table spoons and that by eating this you are consuming 127% of your daily requirement of fiber... so there's that. But I'm ok with it.
My roommate says it tastes like Emily Jello. And I appreciate that. In fact, if the jelly company wants to make soy sauce garlic jello I will promise to buy it and promote it as a part time volunteer position.
Magnesium – 15 times more than Broccoli
Calcium – 6 times more than whole milk
Omega-3 – nearly 9 times the amount found in Salmon
Fiber – more than flax seed & 2 times more than bran flakes
Iron – nearly 3 times more than spinach
Protein – more than soy
I should probably not mention anything about atheism -- for some reason the kids in my class are all mad that I called religion institutionalized psychosis**. Maybe it's also the whole referring to them as kids thing... or trying to explain what the definition of literally literally means.
** Really? That's a bit extreme. I said it for you.